The Power of Reflection...

While I’m no longer in the classroom as a classroom teacher, I still find myself thinking about what changes I’ve made over the past 18 years working in school settings. And as the back to school season is upon us, I can’t help but think about what I do differently now in comparison to what I did in the past. 

Reflection = Superpower

While spending a rainy day at the lake this weekend, scrolling through social media (yes, still working on this habit), I saw a post that had something to do with steps to take before the school day and that was all the inspiration I needed to come up with today’s blog post. One post was all it took to ignite the reflection super power we all hold inside of us!

Reflection = Awareness

I immediately found myself visualizing my first classroom 18 years ago.  On any given day, here is what the scene looked like:

  • Woke up early, skipping breakfast, throwing something quick together for lunch, and getting out the door by 6:30 at the latest  

  • Arriving to work at least an hour before the students were to arrive 

  • Immediately reviewing my lesson plans for the day, overanalyzing the activities I had prepared and almost always then changing some part of the lesson last minute (hello - lack of self-confidence) 

  • After getting stressed about the lessons for the day, I would do something I had more control over - change the classroom around 

  • All of this led to feeling that I had worked an entire day even before the students arrived 

I was tired. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. And the day hadn’t even begun yet. And the crazy part is that no one told me this is what I needed to do to be a good teacher.  Nobody sat me down and said, “In order to be successful you must do all the things”, yet that is what I felt.  That was what my subconscious was taking in via the information all around me, as well as information from my past as well. (of course I didn’t know this was what was happening at the time, but I’m grateful for this knowledge now!) 

Reflection = Growth

Fast forward 18 years, and so much has changed!  I can pretty much confirm that none of those bullets happen today (again, never say never, I still have some of those days once in a while), which I am so grateful for. 

Actually, I think it’s important to mention that I’m grateful for it all.  I’m grateful for those stressful days and I’m grateful for the stress free days of today. I’m grateful for the days of overworking because they are what taught me how to create better boundaries and standards for my life.  Without knowing what overwhelmed felt like, I wouldn’t have sought relief through prioritizing my own well-being to come first.  I think we often think of gratitude as something we express for the good or positives in our lives, but I’m here to ask you to expand on that, and practice gratitude for all! 

Reflection = Change

Okay, back to the blog topic at hand…what does ‘before the school day begins’ look like now? Well, it actually starts the night before! I’ve learned to embrace each day the night before, because that is what can set the intention and momentum rolling for the day I desire.  Here are some other steps that I take: 

  • Start small - I changed one habit at a time instead of trying to change everything at once 

  • Added gratitude into my morning by sharing three minutes worth of gratitude before leaving the bed 

  • Saying ‘thank you’ to the Universe as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning 

  • Tune into my energy and take action to align with what my body/mind/soul needs (reading, meditation, movement, content creation, etc.) 

  • Pack a lunch (usually done the night before) 

  • Savor my coffee in silence (instead of drinking while multitasking) 

  • Use time I’m getting ready to visualize the day and rehearse affirmations or positive self talk 

  • Trust that the time I arrive at work is the time I am meant to arrive 

Reflection = Expansion

One thing I love about living a blended lifestyle, is that I get to decide where I spend my time. With this type of routine format, I remain in control and take action that aligns to me each and every day. I get to decide and define what each day looks like, which is vastly different from how things were 18 years ago. 

Reflection = Purpose

If your start to the day isn’t serving you, or is leaving you feeling overwhelmed, consider trying one of these steps out and see if it makes a difference for you! YOU get to decide and YOU get to create your momentum, and it starts with small, simple and strategic steps YOU take each day! 

Lindsay Titus